About Us

Our story began in 1996, when we started off as a proprietorship with the name R R Enterprises. We began as a dealership of surgical equipment on a humble scale. Since we were new and not very financially sound, we went through our own share of struggle. But we didn’t give up. We persevered. And in 2012, we expanded ourselves enough to become a registered company called R R Medical Enterprises (P) Limited.

And we didn’t stop there. After gaining experience in selling Surgical Equipment for several high-quality brands, we decided to establish our own brand that matches the quality of all the multi-national companies that we have dealt with in the past. With machines procured from technical giants like South Korea and Japan, we aim to establish a world-class manufacturing unit in our own eastern part of India, where industries are not very prevalent.

In spite of all this, we feel extremely proud to still have our team consisting of employees who are with us for as long as 25 years. With the huge experience of our team, we wish to help our country as best as we can in during the health-care crisis being faced by the world today.

Director’s Message

In a time of serious health crisis, the starvation of our health infrastructure is all but ubiquitous. There is no denying the fact that in spite of being one of the largest countries in the world, we were not ready for the challenges that we faced in 2020.

Building health infrastructure is not enough to save us from future challenges. What we need is a high quality infrastructure that can support us in the times of extreme stress.

Keeping this in mind, we have set up a new manufacturing unit of Disposable Syringes and IV Set even in the time of serious financial crisis. We have procured our machinery form technical giants like Japan and South Korea. We have decided to go ahead with the motto of being VOCAL FOR LOCAL, and deliver their quality in our own country.

We strive to keep our quality high and our prices low, so that it is accessible in every small village. With our door to door marketing network and years of experience, it will not be difficult for us.

With this, we promise to add a lot more to our forté very soon.